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Creating and editing briefcase templates

Briefcase templates are selected by users to create new briefcases in the Meridian client applications. A briefcase template is a named combination of a briefcase option set and a briefcase format that is used for a specific purpose.

To create or edit a briefcase template:

  1. In Configurator, expand Environment in the configuration tree and select Application Link Settings. The settings for each link appear in property pages in the right pane.
  2. Click the Briefcases tab. The Briefcase settings page appears in the right pane.
  3. Click the Edit button to modify the settings.

    Tip    To export the settings file to your computer, click the Export button. This can be useful if you would rather edit the file in your favorite text editor. You can then copy your changes to the Clipboard and paste them into Configurator.

  4. Locate the Templates definitions section indicated by a commented line that begins with a semicolon. This section lists the different templates included in the configuration.
  5. To edit a briefcase template:

    To create a new briefcase template:

  6. Edit each setting using the descriptions in the following table.
  7. Click OK to save your changes.
Briefcase template settings
Option Description


The name of the briefcase template as you want it to appear to users.


The name of the briefcase options set to use with this template.


The name of the briefcase format to use with this template.

Note    If the BrcEvent_BeforeCreate VBScript event is used to automate the naming of briefcases, then when the value of Briefcase.Path is set in that procedure, the user is not prompted to select a path and name for the new briefcase. Also, the file extension in the Path property will determine the briefcase file format. The format definition with a name that matches the file extension will be used instead of the format specified in the Format setting of the template that is specified in the Briefcase.TemplateName property. Consequently, there should only be one format defined for each possible file extension, its name should be the same as the file extension, and only one template should specify that format. For more information about automating briefcase naming, see the BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise VBScript API Reference.


The path to an empty Microsoft Access file to use as a template for briefcase metadata. If this option is omitted, the metadata will be saved in XML format. For information on creating a briefcase database template, see Creating a briefcases database template.

Note    This option is not supported by Meridian 64-bit versions. Document metadata created in open standard formats using a Meridian 64-bit version is stored in XML format by default. This format is used because creating Access format files outside of Microsoft Access is not supported by Windows 64-bit versions.


If set to Y, compressed archive files are automatically expanded and their contents included in the briefcase. This can be useful for creating submittal briefcases from existing archive files. If set to N, the files are not expanded before inclusion in the briefcase. This expansion is not performed recursively for archive files that reside in a folder that is selected for inclusion in a briefcase.

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Understanding briefcases